Selling Italian Property
Let us find a buyer for your Italian property.
Once you instruct Abode Srl to act on your behalf in the marketing and eventual sale of your Italian property you will be asked to sign a mandate which will formalise our relationship. You can view our contracts in the terms and conditions section of this website: Terms and Conditions
At this stage it is very important to ascertain whether your property is up to date with permissions, authorisations and current regulations. For this reason we will ask you to contact your geometra and have him or her draw up a report verifying that any type of work carried out on the building was authorised by the issuing of relative permissions from the local authorities, and identifying any eventual problems requiring rectification. If you do not have a technician then we can suggest one or instruct one on your behalf.
N.B: Any eventual technical fees incurred will be the responsibility of the vendor.
It is also important to establish whether you will have to pay Capital Gains Tax (CGT) when you sell your property. Please note that if you have owned your property for over five years then you will be exempt from Italian CGT, known as plusvalenza. You may however be liable for taxation on the sale in your domiciled country and therefore we strongly suggest you seek professional advice.
Abode will also conduct a series of in-house searches in order to establish whether the property title is correct, whether there are real or partial rights and if there are mortgages or other prejudicial contractual obligations. These searches may include:
1.Visura Ipotecaria – this is a document relative to a specific property and displays its history; sales that have occurred in the past, if the property has been inherited or donated; if there have been foreclosures and/or sequestrations. It also shows if the property has a voluntary mortgage with a bank or if it has encumbrances or contractual obligations.
2.Visura catastale – a document which identifies the title holders of any building or land parcel, including details of the date of purchase, prior owners, and any modifications made to the registered listing of the building or land. We use this to identify the owners of agricultural land bordering the property object of the sale, in order to facilitate further investigations into their eventual rights of preemption over land being sold.
When you have signed our mandate and we have established the present legal status of the property we will upload your property on our website and that of companies with whom we collaborate. You may wish to instruct via us a professional photographer to photograph your property. We would be happy to explain this service and additional costs involved. You may also wish to enter into a marketing campaign and benefit from the additional publicity. Again we will be happy to discuss this with you and explain the further benefits that this will attract, and the costs involved.
We will also ask for your consent if we decide to use your property for advertising at our own expense, in appropriate publications.